Participating DIE GROSSE KUNST AUSSTELLUNG NRW 2022, Duesseldorf, Germany
CityGhost-NYC (digital photo print, 125×95 cm) part of the exhibition DIE GROSSE KUNST AUSSTELLUNG NRW 2022 Duesseldorf, Germany opening: June 11, 2022, 4pm exhibition June 12 – July 17, 2022 location and more info:: Kunstpalast, Ehrenhof 4—5, 40479 Düsseldorf NrW-Forum, Ehrenhof 2, 40479 Düsseldorf www.diegrosse.de

STEAM FIELD Apeiron Song 2 @ reiheM STREAMING CONCERT STEAM FIELD Apeiron Song 2 – electro-acoustic performance Today streaming on Vimeo @ reiheM streaming concert series via 674.fm June 16 8pm (GMT/UTC+2) Timezones: http://www.reihe-m.de/

DE-COMPOSING MACHINE @ FUNKT Sound art Radio on Resonance FM extra
Our new electroacoustic transformation DE-COMPOSING MACHINE streaming @ FUNKT sound art radio / broadcast on: resonance.fm extra — replay on: 674.fm — seance.cc 16—18 april 2021 A weekend of 53 non-stop hours of electronic + sound art from Cologne (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) (BST + 0100) 16 april 2021 | friday | 19 — 1 …

Steam Field / Apeiron Song @ Simultanhalle Projects 2020, Cologne, Germany
STEAM FIELD / APEIRON SONG is a 16 channel non-electric steam whistle installation performance. on view: September 19, 7 pm @ SIMULTANHALLE PROJECTS, Cologne Germany Please support the preservation of this historic off-space by signing at OPEN PETITION!!

CRISAR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Acoustic Repeats) @ Reservoir Festival 2019
CRISAR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Acoustic Repeats) 32-channel electro-acoustic composition for the sound dome @ Reservoir Festival 2019, a festival dedicated to experimental music and media arts at the Linach Dam (German: Linachtalsperre) in the center of the Black Forest, Germany.

Artist Presentation @ CCRMA Colloquium, Stanford, USA
artist presentation on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 – 5:30pm at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford. location

EPG @ UCSB Corwin Chair Series, Santa Barbara, USA
sound performance on Sunday, March 3, 2019 – 4:30pm http://www.music.ucsb.edu/news/event/1807 at Karl Geiringer Hall (UCSB) location

Dancing on Nothing, but one sw-o-o-sh! Raummusik und so – radiophon @ Gold + Beton / Cologne
Dancing on Nothing, but one sw-o-o-sh! Raummusik und so – radiophon Sunday, 02. Dezember 2018 l 16:00 – 19:00 Gold+ Beton Ebertplatzpassagen 50668 Cologne / Germany Livestream: https://dublab.de

SPLIT EAR, 18 channel real-time sound projection, live @ Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz, Austria
Split Ear, Live performance with Jiayi Young, Natalie Bewernitz and Marek Goldowski (Germany) 18 channel sound real-time sound projection October 10, 2017, 7:30pm loc.: Anton Bruckner Private University, Hagenstrasse 57, 4040 Linz, Austria SPLIT EAR

LE SON, LA LUMIÈRE ET LE PHÈNOMÈNES OPTIQUES DE L`AIR @ Klangstaetten- Stadtklaenge, Brunswick, Germany
Premiere of our sound installation in public space LE SON, LA LUMIÈRE ET LE PHÈNOMÈNES OPTIQUES DE L`AIR for the sound art festival Klangstaetten – Stadtklaenge 2017 at Brunswick (Braunschweig), Germany opening: Friday, 8 pm, Sept. 8, @ Allgemeiner Konsumverein installations on view from Sept. 8 – Oct. 8, 2017, 10 am – 9 pm loc.: Aegidien …

UNVEILED PRESENCE (NYC) + (secret sounds) @ KISD talk, Cologne
UNVEILED PRESENCE (NYC) and (secret sounds) at KISD talk, TH Köln – Technology, Arts, Sciences, KISD – Köln International School of Design June 6, 5:30pm loc.: KISD – Köln International School of Design, Ubierring 40, 50678 Koln, Germany KISD talk

WHITE LIGHT – electro-acoustic sound experiment @ Resonanz Gertrud, Cologne
WHITE LIGHT – electro-acoustic sound experiment @ Resonanz Gertrud, Cologne 18-channel concrete softening sound performance Saturday June 25. 7:30 pm Krefelderstr. 57 Cologne http://resonanz-gertrud.de/ info: Resonanz Gertrud Elektroakustik und Neue Musik in St. Gertrud Fr 24 + Sa 25 Juni 2016, jeweils ab 19.00 Uhr Eintritt nach …

ENCOUNTER ONE (cb) @ project space Deutscher Kunstlerbund, Berlin
ENCOUNTER ONE (cb) @ project space Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin 2016 version with a new cristal baschet soundset part of the show Hoerschwelle right at the shop window. on view from June 18 -August 28, 2016 www.kuenstlerbund.de/

ENCOUNTER ONE (CB) @ TIEFGARAGE, COLOGNE TIEFGARAGE Ebertplatz On view from 6th to 20th may 2016 with new site-optimized Cristal Baschet sound set. playable 24/7 from the outside, both sides during opening hours

UNVEILED PRESENCE (NYC) Lightboxes@ Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Dusseldorf
UNVEILED PRESENCE (NYC) Lightboxes@ Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Dusseldorf DIE GROSSE 2016

UNPAINTED lab 3.0 MUNICH February 18-21, 2016 curated by Nate Hitchcock & Annette Doms venue @MixedMunichArts (MMA) Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 8a D-80333 Munich opening hours Opening: Thursday, February 18, 2016, 5-10pm Friday, February 19, 2016, 12noon-9pm Saturday (Late Night), February 20, 2016, 12noon-1am Sunday, February 21, 2016, 12noon-6pm LINK

L-oo-P @ HAU2, All in Abundance – A Tribute to Paul Lemp
This evening is dedicated to Paul Lemp, who died just this past summer (not in a car). An old friend. With Thomas Tielsch, Natalie Bewernitz/Marek Goldowski, Falk Richter, Daniel Hertli, AUTOMAT (Jochen Arbeit, Achim Färber, Georg Zeitblom), Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods, Simone Aughterlony, Joséphine Evrard, Davis Freeman, Andreas Müller, Vania Rovisco, Valéry …

UNVEILED PRESENCE (NYC) @ INSONIC 2015, ZKM, Karlsruhe http://insonic2015.org/

LINGERING SOUNDS @ ArtLab Burgbrohl, Germany
new audio-visual installation LINGERING SOUNDS at the new art space “ArtLab / Kunstpavillon Burgbrohl” opening reception: Sept. 11 7pm on view: Sept. 11 – Sept. 25 2015 (opening hours to be announced on the website) directions: Google Maps

Grimm @ Wege durch das Land 2015, Schloss Corvey, Höxter
reading by Ulrike Almut Sandig embedded in a multi-channel electro-acoustic performance installation by BEWERNITZ/GOLDOWSKI Wege durch das Land 2015 25.07.2015 + 26.07.2015 6 pm